摘要: 6月9日到10日,照明行业年度盛会——“2015阿拉丁照明论坛”在全球最大照明展广州国际照明展期间隆重举行,阿拉丁照明网作为大会报道的官方媒体,特邀德国默克策略行销总监Dr.Joachim Reiss来到我们新闻直播现场,与大家共同探讨照明及LED产业的发展大计。
6月9日到10日,照明行业年度盛会——“2015阿拉丁照明论坛”在全球最大照明展广州国际照明展期间隆重举行,阿拉丁照明网作为大会报道的官方媒体,特邀德国默克策略行销总监Dr.Joachim Reiss来到我们新闻直播现场,与大家共同探讨照明及LED产业的发展大计。
Alighting:Better lighting quality and lower price is becoming more and more important for the end user market, as a LED phosphor supplier, how do Merck deal with it?
Joachim:First of all, it is really important trends in the industry for the higher light quality, and it is impressed to see so many parts and exhibitors addressing this. Yes, with our phosphor, we really try to help our customers to supply the best LEDs for the high quality of light, so that is clearly what we are addressing and targeting on the cost side even without changing anything.,If we have phosphor which improves the brightness and already that is significantly improving the lumen, the cost per watt in the end.
Alighting:Could you share with us about the latest product and technology development in lighting of Merck? How are these new products different from others on the market?
Joachim:We are really working on a couple of phosphors can further new development, we just focus two of them here. New product the one is we call super stable RGA, not for the general lighting, we just focus on this exhibition but very important part of backlight unit. And that is really silicate product in very efficient way to provide high color gamut solutions.
And then we have vivid green that is for general lighting, but in the same it really makes it much easier and efficient to provide high quality of light solution with high CRI. So these are the two products I want to present what we are working on.
Joachim:我们有几款产品取得了新的进展,在这里我向大家介绍两款。第一款是我们称之为“super stay RGA”的产品,它不是用于通用照明,而是用于背光。这是一款非常高效的硅酸盐荧光粉,能为高色彩饱和度背光产品提供了非常好的解决方案。
而另外一款是“vivid green”,这款产品用于通用照明,“vivid green”让高显色指数高光效照明方案变得非常简单。
Alighting:How do you think about the China Market? what is the next plan of Merck in China?
Joachim:China is really the largest market and is impressive to see here all the development, all the on-the-way changes, China is the important market for us, so do our best to try to be close to our customers and partners, to understand and to help them.
Alighting:What is next for material industry in your opinion? Could you talk about the future development plan of Merck in 5-10 years?
Joachim:So let me focus on the LED business. Maybe many people aware we just integrated exist materials, so we are supplying LED phosphors, But the phosphors for the chips makers and that is we want to provide to you to think of more or less for our customers what is material future, and there clearly we have to cover Chinese light chips and packages, so that is really change the material and their requirements we try to address and help.
We try to be close to our customers and help them to understand future trends and to be prepared future trends as I said. If we think about the chips\packages are the trends that partly change, when it changes but they partly very changed the requirements for the materials, and we try to stay ahead them and help our customers on the way.
Alighting:In the GUANGZHOU INTERNATIONAL LIGHTING EXHIBITION AND ASIA LED EXHIBITION, what impress you most and how do you think about the exhibition this year?
Last but not least, what is your expectation and recommendation on the “Alighting Summit 2015”?
Joachim:I was impressed going to back to the high quality of light, there are so many exhibitions, we really can see what they means, it is really great seeing this on the exhibition so that is something which is kind of touch people to see that, helps a lot at the exhibition.
Yesterday I saw here is for the CEO talks, and they were really good, very high quality presentations and I hope that there is a enough room for communications and discussion this kind of presentation as well, and yes, I think it is really good place for exchange expert。
昨天我看到这里的CEO Talk的演讲,他们的演讲内容含金量非常高,有很深的帮助,希望这里可以为大家提供更多的空间进行讨论和交流。
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